5 Tips to Help You Recruit the Best HRMS Consultant

There many times that having an HRMS consultant can make your job easier: during implementation of a new HRMS or increasing functionality, peak times such as merit increases during the year end process, or when transitioning to a new HR method, such as the change of a grading system. There are many consultants on the market with varied skills--so how to know which is the best HRMS consultant to choose?

Identify HR Systems Tasks

First, identify clearly your required HR system tasks. Sometimes when there are a few people discussing the possibility of adding a headcount, there will be different visions for utilizing this person. It is best if you can articulate in a one page summary, the tasks that the person will need to tackle, along with the expected background, skills and technical experience of the person.

Identify the Skills Needed

Skills are important, especially if your topic is system-specific or implementation. A consultant who has previously implemented or been an end user of your future HRMS should be able to save you a large amount of time and energy, through in-depth knowledge of system functionality and having seen past mistakes. While such skilled resources can often cost more upfront, you’ll save a lot of energy over a consultant who was only recently trained in your particular application.

Find the right consultant for your company with this five-step guide to hiring and working with HRMS consultants

HR Experience is Essential

When implementing an HRMS, your consultant needs to be comfortable working in an HR environment. IT specialists with no HR experience will create an instant barrier between your consultant and your HR department. Professional HR organization membership or experience within HR is ideal.

Match Your Industry to Their Experience

It can also be helpful to match the background and industry of the consultant to that of your organization. At a global organization, we recently employed a consultant with a US-centric background. While she knew the software well and had seen it implemented, she had never dealt with an international environment which sometimes led to design decisions that were not holistic. In the same way, matching someone with a professional services background to a non-profit might prove to be a similar mismatch of experiences.

Match Their Personality to Company Culture

In a similar vein, personality match should be considered too; while a good consultant can mesh easily into various environments; if you have a very strong company culture, such as a lean manufacturing environment or an eco-friendly green mentality, it’s important to find someone who gels with this culture and will thrive in it.

By keeping some of these tips in mind, you’ll be able to choose the best person for the job, one who you consider part of the team rather than an outsider.

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Heather Batyski

About the author…

Heather is an experienced HRMS analyst, consultant and manager. Having worked for companies such as Deloitte, Franklin Templeton and Oracle, Heather has first-hand experience of many HRMS solutions including Peoplesoft and Workday.

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Heather Batyski

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