Keeping up engagement with your HRMS self service module
Employee engagement makes a huge impact on your company’s bottom line - the Bureau of National Affairs estimates a difference in performance by up to 200% for companies with engaged employees. It approximates that across the US, up to 26% of employees are actively disengaged which causes a negative impact on the morale and productivity of the remaining employees. Fortunately your self-service module is a key tool to help you to promote employee engagement, here are areas to target.
Enable access to as much data as possible
It is often stated that employee autonomy is a key driver of engaged employees, the more that employees control their own tasks and environment, the happier that they are at work. The ability to view basic data and to perform simple data updates is now an expectation.
Recommended reading: implement HRMS self service successfully using our six-step guide to HRMS self service success.
It’s time to bring more options into HRMS self service to increase engagement. If you enable self service for an employee to enter career goals are you providing access to an employee to view a manager’s goals too? When an employee sees how they fit into the big picture and that their work matters they feel more committed to the company’s goals and are more engaged.
Tie your self-service transactions to your business processes
Early HRMS self service was a set of standalone tasks, almost an electronic version of a paper form. Now, self service transactions can be embedded directly into business processes, tying together an employee’s time and effort into the company’s goals.
In a past example, I’ve seen disjointed merit cycles where a manager has to submit an employee’s rating and salary increase prior to writing up the detailed feedback. These processes may involve emailed Excel files and Word documents that go into a file never to be seen again once the new salary gets approved for payroll.
Instead, embed self-service transactions into the end to end process so that employees can do self and peer evaluation tasks on a quarterly and yearly basis as an input to the manager’s rating and recommendation. When an increase is agreed, the notification letter can be available via self-service for the employee to view and download.
Solicit employee input for better decision making
Self-service can be used as a method to gather employee feedback by positioning flash surveys on an HRMS dashboard or in HRMS social media. Employees are more engaged when they feel that their opinion is received and valued.
An example is to target employees not participating in the dental plan and to offer some choices as to why they do not buy into it and what would change their decision. By getting this raw data you are able to shape future decisions based on direct employee feedback to contribute to positive employee engagement.
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HRMS Self Service - 6 Steps to Success
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